EFILA organizes event on ISDS in the European Parliament

Since the start of the negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Agreement (TTIP), the issue of investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) has become the most hotly debated subject in Brussels and in many Member States. This traditional method of dispute resolution between a foreign investor and a State, in which the investor can seek recourse when a State has discriminated against the investor, is now at the forefront of the political debate in Brussels and elsewhere.


This event will try to provide answers to the following questions: is ISDS really a Trojan horse which may be used by American and other foreign investors to undermine labour, environmental and health standards as cherished in the EU? Does ISDS allow international companies to bypass national judicial systems, possibly at the expense of domestic competitors? Does it constitute a competition to State courts? Is the process inherently corrupt and flawed?


The event entitled “Unveiling the mystery of ISDS’ and co-organized by the European Federation and Investment Law and Arbitration (EFILA) as well as Mr Christofer Fjellner MEP and Professor Danuta Hübner MEP, will take place at the European Parliament (to be confirmed) on 14 April 2015.


To register please contact Blazej Blasikiewicz, General Manager, at b.blasikiewicz@efila.org

EFILA’s comment in Borderlex

EFILA’s comment entitled “Turning the tide on deteriorating EU investment protection standards after Lisbon” has been published by Borderlex, an online platform providing independent news and analysis as well as commentary from leaders in the field of trade policy.


The comment is available on Borderlex webiste.