The Advisory Board to the European Federation for Investment Law and Arbitration (EFILA) comprises representatives from companies, law firms, academia and arbitration communities from various EU Member States.

The Advisory Board currently consists of the following members:

  1. Mrs Nynke M. Hupkens-Sipma, Director Legal Affairs at Achmea
  2. Dr. Andrea Carlevaris, Partner, Bonelli Erede, Paris/Milan
  3. Mr Alexander de Daranyi, Senior Legal Director, Banking & Finance Law at Sanofi
  4. Laura Halonen, Of Counsel, Wagner Arbitration, Berlin
  5. Sir Francis Jacobs, KCMG, QC, Professor at King’s College London
  6. Epaminontas E. Triantafilou, Partner, Quinn Emanuel, London (Chair of the Advisory Board)
  7. Saadia Bhatty, Partner, Gide Loyrette Nouel, London
  8. Ali H. Arif, Partner, Dechert, Washington/London
  9. Dr. Gloria Alvarez, Senior Lecturer, University of Aberdeen
  10. Prof. Attila Tanzi, University of Bologna and 3VB
  11. Dr. Veronika Korom, ESSEC Business School, Paris

The members of the Advisory Board serve in their personal capacity and are completely independent from the organisations in which they are employed or hold mandates.