Tracking and analyzing the EU's investment policy

On ISDS, BITs, FTAs and the MIC

EFILA is the unique, specialized think-tank

More than 3,000 investment treaties protect foreign investments

More than 150 States are parties to the ICSID and NY Convention

There are more than 1,100 known investor-State dispute cases

States win 36.5% of all disputes

Investors win 27.9% of all disputes

22.8% of all disputes are settled

Our aims

The EU was created to achieve the strengthening of economies of its Members States and to contribute to the protection of its citizens. The economic and political stability and development of the EU and its Member States depends to a large extent on offering a stable and foreseeable legal framework for domestic and foreign investors.

In addition, access to an efficient and effective dispute settlement system is an important and integral element of the Rule of Law within and outside of the EU and its Member States.

EFILA complements these endeavours by providing as a Brussels-based think-tank a platform for a fact- and merit-based discussion on pertaining to all relevant issues associated with the EU’s investment law and arbitration policy.

To this end, EFILA regularly organizes events such as the Annual Conference and the Annual Lecture.

Together with the Queen Mary University of London, EFILA publishes the European Investment Law and Arbitration Review. The first legal journal that is exclusively dedicated to the EU’s investment law and policy agenda.

EFILA also publishes papers on relevant topics of European investment law and policy and participates in public consultations organized by the EU, OECD, ICSID etc.

EFILA also actively participates as an Observer in the UNCITRAL WG III on ISDS reforms.

EFILA Statement on the Russian aggression against Ukraine

The European Federation for Investment Law and Arbitration (EFILA) stands in solidarity with our Ukrainian colleagues and the Ukrainian people against the violence they are facing and fully endorses the statements of many other international non-governmental organizations such as the IBA, ASIL, ESIL and the Swiss Association of International Law on the Russian aggression against Ukraine:

  • The Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine violates the most basic principles of the UN Charter and of international law.
  • The Russian Federation is responsible under international law for all acts of aggression against Ukraine and its war on a sovereign, independent Ukraine is unlawful.

EFILA stands for the respect of the Rule of Law in Europe and for the effective protection of all investors and all investments throughout Europe, including Ukraine.

More importantly, we stand in solidarity with our Ukrainian colleagues, and the people of Ukraine, against the violence they are currently enduring.

This is a very sombre day for Ukraine, for Europe, and for the world.

However, our resolve in preserving and promoting the Rule of Law in Europe has never been stronger.

Download the statement as PDF file here: EFILA statement against Russian aggression


The 10th Annual EFILA Lecture will be delivered by Martina Polasek (Secretary General of EFILA) on 25 November in London. The event is free of charge but registration is required, click here.

Just published: 2nd edition of International Arbitration and EU Law, edited by Prof. Nikos Lavranos & Dr. Stefano Castagna (Edward Elgar Publishing). It will be available as of August 2024 click here to order.

The Impact of EU law on ISDS, intra-EU BITs and the ECT by Prof. Nikos Lavranos, in the Investor-State Arbitration 2024 Guide, download the article: ISA24_Chapter 2 European Federation (002)

Check out the renewed European Investment Law and Arbitration Review, which has just been taken over by Wolters Kluwer. The Call for Papers and the Essay Competition are available here.