About the European Investment Law and Arbitration Review

The European Investment Law and Arbitration Review (EILA Rev) is the first and only law journal specifically dedicated to the field of European investment law and arbitration.

Since 2016, EILAR has been tracking the developments in this increasingly important and changing field. The Review focuses on the impact that these developments have on investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS), the bilateral investment treaties (BITs) of EU member states, the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) and the EU’s new generation trade and investment treaties such as the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), including the Investment Court System (ICS).

In addition, the Review covers recent developments such as for example, the work of the UNCITRAL Working Group III on ISDS reforms, the impact of the Paris Agreement on investment law, the interaction between investment screening laws and investment arbitration, the interplay between sanctions and investment law and the level of compliance with awards.

EILA Rev welcomes unpublished submissions from practitioners and academics from all parts of the world, which fall within the scope of the Review. EILA Rev also runs an annual essay competition to give young scholars and practitioners a platform to publish their works.

EILA Rev is published twice a year and includes scholarly articles, case-notes, book reviews, a chronicle section summarizing recent developments, and a section dedicated to the winners of its essay competition. EILA Rev is peer-reviewed by its Editorial Committee and Editorial Board Members.

The Review will only publish high quality contributions which are fully in line with EILA Rev’s house style and are written in near-native English.

The Review offers online pre-publication to all authors, meaning that approved submissions will be made available online immediately. In addition, the Review will continue to be available in print and digitally on Kluwer Law Online.

The Table of Contents of all issues of the Review are available here

The Editorial Committee


Prof. Nikos Lavranos (Leiden University; Secretary General of EFILA)

Prof. Loukas Mistelis (Queen Mary University of London)

Managing Editors:

Dr. Szilard Gaspar-Szilagyi, LLM (University of Oslo)

Prof. Veronika Korom (ESSEC University Paris)


Mark McCloskey (Debevoise & Plimpton, London)

Dr. Maria Fanou (Queen Mary University of London)

Vanda Kopic (BonelliErede, Milan)

Prof. Hugo Cardona (MCIArb) (CEU San Pablo University, Madrid)

The Editorial Board Members

Dr. Gloria Maria Alvarez, LLM (Aberdeen University)

Dr. Crina Baltag, LLM, M.Sc., Ph.D (Stockholm University)

Prof. Andrea Bjorklund (McGill University, Montreal)

Caroline Falconer (Secretary General SCC, Stockholm)

Prof. Mark Feldman (Peking University)

Dr. Filippo Fontanelli (University of Edinburgh)

Norah Gallagher, LLM (Queen Mary University of London)

Nelson Goh (former Managing Editor) (Partner, Pallas, London)

Prof. Robert Howse (New York University)

Prof. em. Catherine Kessedjian (University of Paris 2)

Prof. Sebastien Manciaux (Bourgogne University)

Dr. Inga Martinkute (Vilnius University, Faculty of Law)

Trisha Mitra (ReedSmith, London) (former Managing Editor)

Samuel Pape (Latham & Watkins, London) (former Managing Editor)

Prof. Yannick Radi (UC Louvain, Faculty of Law)

Prof. August Reinisch (Vienna University)

Samantha J. Rowe (Partner, Debevoise & Plimpton, London)