Call for Papers for 2025
New developments regarding the Review:
As of 2024, the Review is being published by Wolters Kluwer twice a year: in the spring and in the autumn.
We can thus accept submissions throughout the whole year on a rolling basis. Accepted submissions will be published in either the spring or autumn printed issue. Moreover, we will be able to offer online pre-publication within a few weeks after final acceptance throughout the year.
The deadline for submissions for the spring issue 1/2025 under the new format is: 1 March 2025.
NOTE: we accept submissions on a rolling basis throughout the whole year for online pre-publication.
The Editorial Committee of the European Investment Law and Arbitration Review invites original, unpublished scholarly submissions on recent developments in international investment law, with a focus on the theme “European investment law and arbitration: interaction with other branches of law”.
Examples of topics that authors could consider include:
- The continued impact of the Termination Agreement on the enforcement and recognition of awards – within and outside the EU
- The recent results of the UNCITRAL Working Group III on ISDS reform
- The impact of the announced common withdrawal of the EU and its Member States from the Energy Charter Treaty – on pending and new disputes as well as for the recognition and enforcement of ECT awards within and outside the EU
- The potentially increasing role of the ECtHR for investment protection after the termination of the intra-EU BITs and the announced withdrawal from the ECT
- The impact of the war against Ukraine for European investors and their investment protection
- Existing investment protection standards under EU law
- EU sanctions and investment law and arbitration
- The interaction between tax and investment law
- The impact of new EU legislation (e.g., Foreign Investment Screening mechanism, Cross Border Adjustment measures) on foreign investors and BITs
- Human rights and EU investment law and arbitration
- Climate change and EU investment law and arbitration
- The UK as an investment destination post-Brexit
We also invite case-notes and short articles on any relevant arbitration case.
Submissions to the Review should fit within the following formats:
Long articles
- Scholarly articles should provide an in-depth analysis of a topic and aim to comprehensively cover the relevant case-law and literature. The maximum length should not exceed 15,000 words, including footnotes.
Short articles
- Shorter articles should offer a succinct analysis of a topical issue together with original views intended to stimulate debate. The maximum length should not exceed 8,000 words, including footnotes.
- Case-notes should provide a concise analysis of a recent arbitration award or decision of a national court. Case-notes are to include a summary of the facts and main points of the decision as well as an analysis of the impact of the decision on investment law and arbitration. The maximum length should not exceed 5,000 words, including footnotes.
Book reviews
- Book reviews should offer a critical summary of the main aspects of the book. The maximum length should not exceed 3,000 words, including footnotes.
The above word limits are exclusive of footnotes, which should not be overly lengthy.
Submissions must be in English. It is the responsibility of all authors to ensure that their English is at near-native standard before submitting to the Review.
If the English is not at near-native standard, submissions will not be accepted.
Submission must conform with the Review’s house style, click here for the concise house style and the detailed version, which is available here.
All authors must declare that their submissions are unpublished and original material. Co-authored submissions are permissible.
All submissions will be peer reviewed. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to accept, reject a submission or make publication conditional upon modifications which have been suggested to the author.
The Editorial Committee reserves the right to reject a submission which does not conform with its house style and/or the level of English.
Submissions are to be emailed as an attached Word document to