13 October 2022 in Brussels:

8th EFILA Annual Lecture on

ESG investment strategy


Watch the video of the Annual Lecture here


This EFILA Annual Lecture will consist of two parts.


First, Jillian Kirn of Climate Change Counsel will give a general overview on ESG, thereby providing the framework for the ESG discussion.

Second, Laurent Lhopitallier of Sanofi will present/reflect on how ESG considerations shape Sanofi’s business and financing strategy and its equity story.

After both presentations, we will open the discussion with the audience.


14.30 – 15.00 Registration & coffee

15.00 – 15.15 Welcome address by Prof. Nikos Lavranos (Secretary General of EFILA)

15.15 – 16.15 Annual Lecture by Jillian Kirn (Climate Change Counsel) and Laurent Lhopitallier (Sanofi)

16.15 – 17.00 Panel discussion and Q&A moderated by Quentin Declève (VAN BAEL & BELLIS)

17.00 – 19.00 Drinks


As a backround reading, you can download a short presentation reg the SEC proposal on ESG here

You can also find information on the EU’s Directive on Corporate Sustainability Reporting, which has been informally agreed upon by the EU institutions here


Register and buy your ticket via Eventbrite










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