About the European Investment Law and Arbitration Review
With the entrance of the European Union into the field of International Investment Law and Arbitration, a new specialist field of law, namely “European investment law and arbitration” is in the making. This new field of law draws on EU Law, International Investment Law, International Arbitration Law and Practice, International Economic Law and Public International Law, while others fields of law such as Energy Law are also relevant.
The first EU integrated investment treaties with Canada (CETA), Singapore (EU-SING), Japan, Vietnam, Australia and New Zealand are either negotiated or about to be signed and ratified by the EU and its Member States. These are “integrated” investment treaties in that they combine free trade agreement provisions with international investment agreement norms.
Moreover, the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) has an increasingly direct impact with its Opinions regarding EU-SING FTA and CETA as well as with its Achmea and Komstroy judgments directly relating to intra-EU BITs and the ECT.
More generally, the public debate and discussions within academic and practitioner circles about the pros and cons of investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) and investment treaties in general is intensifying with the day.
This Review is the first law journal that is specifically dedicated to the field of “European Investment Law and Arbitration”. While the developments in Europe and the efforts of the EU institutions is the focus of this Review, the developments in other parts of the world are equally relevant.
We therefore especially welcome submissions from all parts of the world, which are related to the developments of European Investment Law and Arbitration.
The Review covers long scholarly articles, shorter articles, case-notes and book reviews. The Review is peer-reviewed by the Editorial Committee and Editorial Board Members and will only publish high quality contributions. Initially, the Review will be published once a year, but aims to publish twice a year in the future.
The Editorial Committee
Prof. Loukas Mistelis (Queen Mary University of London)
Prof. Nikos Lavranos (Free University Brussels; Secretary General of EFILA)
Trisha Mitra (Co-Managing Editor) (Associate, Shearman & Sterling, Paris)
Samuel Pape (Co-Managing Editor) (Associate, Latham & Watkins, London)
Mark McCloskey (Associate, Debevoise & Plimpton, London)
Peter Burgess (Pupil Barrister, South Square, London)
Dr. Szilárd Gáspár-Szilágyi (University of Birmingham)
The Editorial Board Members
Dr. Gloria Maria Alvarez, LLM (Aberdeen University)
Kristin Campell-Wilson (Secretary General SCC, Stockholm)
Dr. Crina Baltag, LLM, M.Sc., Ph.D (Stockholm University)
Prof. Andrea Bjorklund (McGill University, Montreal)
Dr. Erhard Böhm (Baier – Rechtsanwälte – Attorneys at Law)
Prof. Mark Feldman (Peking University)
Dr. Filippo Fontanelli (University of Edinburgh)
Norah Gallagher, LLM (Queen Mary University of London)
Prof. Robert Howse (New York University)
Prof. em. Catherine Kessedjian (University of Paris 2)
Prof. Sebastien Manciaux (Bourgogne University)
Inga Martinkute (Vilnius University, Faculty of Law)
Prof. August Reinisch (Vienna University)
Samantha J. Rowe (Partner, Debevoise & Plimpton, London)
Nelson Goh (former Managing Editor) (Partner, Pallas Partners, London)